Thursday, 5 December 2013

Thursday 5th December

I've learnt a new word this week 'Cornucopia' , not entirely sure how you pronounce it, and so far have not found an occasion in my verbal ramblings to friends that I feel I could have used it; but right at this moment in time I too am 'overflowing' with LIFE !!!

My CT scan was ALL CLEAR of the dreaded cancer tumours, and my blood test (CA 125 ) was still in single figures 9 . With kidney and liver function all appearing normal , a huge relief all around, and so I really do feel very blessed.

The cornucopia (from Latin cornu copiae) or horn of plenty is a symbol of abundance and nourishment, commonly a large horn-shaped container overflowing with produce, flowers, nuts, other edibles, or wealth in some form. Originating inclassical antiquity, it has continued as a symbol in Western art, and it is particularly associated with the Thanksgiving holiday in North America.


  1. So so happy for you love Vickyxxxxxxxxx

  2. YAHOOOOOOO !!!!! Great News Looseat xxxxxx

  3. Wonderful news and deservedly so - Yay!!! So how's the cat?? x

  4. Thanks for comments! Wasn't entirely sure anybody reads the blog anymore !!

    The cat is doing very well, getting quite used to living indoors and gaining weight ! Photos to follow!


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