Thursday, 16 January 2014

Thursday 16th January

Finally, a night in..... Sort of, the in-laws 56th wedding anniversary today , that's 56 years of wedded bliss .....also my mad aunts birthday, no doubt she spent the day playing badminton, digging the allotment and jogged to the gym... :-)

Onto the discussion about unusual Christmas presents, and Fitbits spring to mind, certainly unusual but also very intriguing . Not entirely sure about the motive behind the gifts , but I'm loving mine!

It takes the form of a rubber type bracelet that you wear on your wrist, and the small 'widget microchip' thingy fits inside. It monitors various activities that are part of your daily routine, including the amount of steps you take, calories burned, miles walked, sleep slept......etc, you can log on food and drink consumed and exercises taken, but that's a bit of faff. Still it is fascinating and a tad unnerving, especially when it tells you how many times you were 'restless' in the night! And of course women of a certain age tend to have many ' restless ' episodes in the course of a nights 'sleep' !

So in summary my daily average of steps taken is 17,462 , calories burned 2,507. The average daily distance travelled is 7.98 miles. Daily average time asleep 6 h 33 min...... Husband also has a fitbit, but apparently he can't link his up to his phone, so is unable to access the data, as yet. When you see things actually written down it does make you sit up and take notice. Although he did have a bit of a hiccup with his last week, when hammering a nail in the wall to hang a picture , he ' knocked ' his fitbit into sleep mode, consequently his data for that day was mostly spent slumbering.......faintly amusing!

I've had a jolly fine start to the new year, including a lot of fun spent at the local primary school in reception class with 28 four and five year olds. Worked full time last week , and a couple of days this week.

Had a badminton tournament last Monday , and with a lady partner somehow managed to win it! Again!!! After playing in the tournament every year for almost for 15 years and never even coming close, to win it twice is just amazing!
Played in our first netball match of the new season, and boy was it tough, forgotten how much running and jumping is involved ! I must have impressed one person out of the opposite team as got picked as ' player of the match ' I don't think it was a sympathy vote, but never entirely sure!

Also picked up my gorgeous 'Rose Bowl' tennis trophy for SBS memorial that AH kindly got engraved, that now sits proudly on my sideboard.

Goodness, think I'd better stop now, I think this blog has ended up being a a self centred ' blow your own trumpet ' blog.

Talking of blogs, I've started following @agirlcalledjack , who writes a food blog amongst other things. I'd read an article about her and she can make healthy meals out of very cheap ingredients, well worth a look at if your interested in that sort of thing! ( boys were convinced the other day that I'd put tofu in the spaghetti bolognaise, and rummaged through the bin like a couple of freegans. ! ) I hadn't ....... But tempted now.....

Netball trainers look ok from the top, but the soles tell another story.....

Badminton trophy.......


An assortment of anniversary cakes.....cake anyone? !

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