Thursday, 17 November 2016

Highs and ......

Yes, you've guessed it, I'm now most definitely on a 'low', not unexpected but certainly unwanted!

As usual Steve spins it around and says thank goodness I didnt feel like this in London, either during treatment or over the last weekend when we watched the tennis at the ATP world final in the 02. That really would have been miserable.

We spent two days watching tennis ( and hockey) plus meeting up with friends, and having never been to the 02, that itself was an experience. Arriving back in the Island late Monday night, we were all tired, but come Tuesday morning it was a real struggle to get out of bed.

The dogs dragged me out for a walk, which I found a real effort and by the time I got back home I knew there was no way I'd go to my yoga class. Jack was home and took one look at my little sad tearful face, and sent me off to bed!!

I slept, and slept some more, with Dan bringing me water at regular intervals and checking up on me, getting up early afternoon I managed half a sandwich, but felt quite nauseous and unfortunately what was worse had to visit the toilet fairly frequently. All classic symptoms of radiotherapy.

I slept the afternoon away, and got up again at about 9pm, thinking I need to eat and also I'll never sleep tonight! I made myself porridge which was a mistake because I thought I'd be sick, and promptly took myself back to bed, where, despite my earlier reservations I did more sleeping!

Wednesday I felt pretty much the same, but got up and showered, took an anti sickness pill, which has helped with the nausea, but the toilet trips have not relented, and that in itself is exhausting. I'm trying to drink lots of fluid to compensate.

Out of the blue I had a call from Macmillan to see if I wanted to have some complimentary therapy, as they'd had a cancellation, so i went in at 11am for an hour, but even that was tiring! Back home i didnt really move from the sofa or the well lit fire (courtesy of Nurse Dan), but did stay awake long enough to see Murray play Nishikori on TV in the afternoon!

This morning I thought I felt better, and as my husband bailed on the dog walking ( that was a joke darling) and Dan was still in bed, I'd take the girls to the beach for a run. It was good to be outside in the fresh blowy sea air, and I didn't feel too bad. However by the time I got home I left Dan to sort the dogs out, and I lay down on the sofa and promptly went to sleep- by the time I  came around he had lit the fire again and made me a hot drink.

Now I'm writing the blog, still feeling a bit sorry for myself and a tincy bit frustrated, BUT i should make good use of this enforced confinement and focus on the things i CAN do, and aren't I lucky to have family around to look after me, although I do have to draw the line at Dan's comment as he left the house yesterday afternoon for a meeting.

He gave me stern instructions that I was not allowed to walk the dogs ( I had considered it, but, and this makes me realise how tired I actually am, I dont have the energy), with his parting words still ringing in my ears "If you walk the dogs I'll punch you in the liver....hard". I dont think he actually means it......

If you knew our family well, this is the normal type conversation between the boys on a fairly regular basis, so readers don't be alarmed!!

As you can see still no luck with the photo uploads, I'm sure its fairly simple, but not apparent to me and my radiobrain. 😁

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