Friday, 28 August 2015

Friday 28th August

Talking to hubby today, I said I was only getting about 100 hits a day on the blog, and really we both decided that it was a good thing. The fact that at the moment the Cancer is being held at bay, and I don't require any treatment is a real Godsend, and the reason the whole 'blog' idea was ever muted in the first place was because it was a two fold way of a) getting information out to family and friends, and b) it was my way of dealing with it.

Talking of dealing with it... when I was originally diagnosed way back in February 2012, I contacted Macmillan Jersey, and was given an address of an online forum called Ovacome. Its based in the UK and is not a very big charity, but I joined up straight away. In the early days I asked a few questions myself and found it a comfort to know there were similar ladies going through the same sort of treatments. I still use it today and that is why I now feel in a position to start some fund raising for them.

Not being very adventurous however I have opted for an Afternoon Tea Party at my house! I have invited a few people so far (open to men and women!), and as and when I see folk I mention it. If you fancy/are able to come just contact me, or if you would like to donate please follow the link below..

Now onto last weeks events!!

Grainville Closed Tennis tournament - My partner and I won the ladies doubles ( ok so there were only three other pairs, but still .....)

 A lovely walk along St Ouen beach with  Steve and Jessie...

 Just throw the ball....!!!!!
 Tea party for small children and Dan led the colouring table....
 Bex with her God-daughter...

 SC and Steve watching people bail water out of their boats in St Catherine.

(Camouflaged dog)

Lastly, I have beetroot simmering on the aga, and the smell transports me back to my childhood with mum doing exactly the same, (usually late in the evening!) ... It seems as if that's about the only crop that's doing really well in the veg garden...Anyone for beetroot cake?? ( I'm not joking)!!!!

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