Thursday, 21 August 2014

First post op visit

Steve here again....sitting in the flat...composing a few words on the iPad...the idea being that I can upload it myself ( if I'm lucky) when I visit this evening. Jill is in recovery ( I called a few minutes ago) and was told she is doing fine. Apparently she's pain free....but I think that it must be drugs that are keeping the pain away. We decided this morning not to go for the pre-op back injection to ease pain...there was a very slim chance of reduced leg strength after...not something you want if you have to do as much exercise as Jill. The op has gone reasonably well...not perfect, but better than it might have. The long and short is that there were some bits that were too well attached, and Jill would probably have lost a kidney if the surgeons had persevered and tried to get the last bit out. Consequently there is some of the cancer remaining...I don't know the exact detail yet...but they are confident that chemo will sort this out. The really good news is that there was no other lumps, or anything else, that they could find....and that's a BIG positive. There's no doubt that Jill will be " disappointed" about another course of chemo, but we won't know the detail of how much and how many units etc. until the experts over here and at home have he a chance to discuss what they think is best. As I said, Jill is still in recovery, but at least I can visit....I'm going at 6...and hopefully can stay until 730. I'll leave it there for's quarter past five...I'll upload this when I arrive at the hospital at 6 and then maybe post a short bonus blog after I've got on the recovery ward....speak again later.

So, here I am in reception after my first visit to the recovery room. Jill is still pretty zonked....her carbon dioxide levels are quite high apparently...this is helped by it's a real surprise that it's an issue...talking isn't normally a problem. Seriously though...I counted seven or eight tubes...all going in to various, some unmentionable, places. Her time for moving to the overnight high dependency unit is quarter to eight this evening...I'll call there at nine tomorrow and see what they say...probably moving to a ward/room early tomorrow I would have thought.

Okay...I'm going to try to post this while I have wifi connection at the hospital...that will be a feat on it's own...I'm not use to ipaddy things...let alone blogs ... The last thing to say is that I will be calling a few people this evening...apart from family I have spoken to no one. Tomorrow I expect that the iPad will stay with Jill...and we can all expect more regular included! Returning home will take at least a couple of days to decide...the week end and bank holiday will complicate things...but, as I said to Jill, if she spent a little time at the flat before going home that would be good...I'm sure there'll be some domestic jobs to be done before we head back to the rock!!!

Seriously, a though day all round...but we're coming out of it better than we might have done.

More bloggy stuff tomorrow peeps.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. Thanks again for another update. Much love to you all xxx

  2. Much love from the Grouville area! and wishing you a speedy return
    N & Co xx


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