Monday 11th June
There were lots of ladies in the aqua aerobics class this
morning, and so nice to see the sunshine!
I did call the hospital this morning as my mouth ulcers are
very painful, (it’s affecting my ability to talk-now that’s bad!!) and spoke to
my lovely oncology nurse, who suggested I popped by to see the doctor. Now I have been prescribed a different mouth
wash, and tablets that should make them disappear never to return!
Visited a dear old friend on Corbiere ward on my way out, so
sending him good luck wishes with his future operation and a speedy recovery.
I enjoyed the company of SW this afternoon; we went walking
with Becky to drop off a friend’s birthday gift and stopped off at SS on the
way for a brief chat!
Daughter’s first exam tomorrow- gulp- thinking of all those
students sitting exams this summer and of their equally anxious parents!!
“My father wanted me to have all the educational opportunities
he never had, so he sent me to a girls’ school” Eric
Good luck and fab brains in sinc for Becky's exams. I really wish her all the best.xxxx