Monday 31st December
This time last year I was celebrating New Year’s Eve with
friends and looking forward to what 2012 would bring......
I did have lots of good things happen and events that were
well worth celebrating, births, weddings, parties, and graduations to name but
a few. I have enjoyed meeting lots of new people and I have made many new
friends as well as strengthened relationships with old friends.
My blood tests today were not good; my white cells had dropped
even lower to 0.49, ironically my clotting platelets were up to 124!! After a
brief chat with the doctor it was quite apparent that with those results there
is no way I could have Chemo, despite the intervention of the GCSF injection,
it just wasn’t happening.
I will now be waiting for a CT scan to see what, if anything
is going on in my abdomen! My hope is that it is clear, and then I guess I am
in ‘remission’. However this time I am not ‘counting any chickens’ as I have
been through this “I have finished Chemo” lark and then the Marsden had other
I do not usually make any New Year resolutions, and I’m not being
any different this year except I aim to work hard, get myself fit, and appreciate
all that life has to offer, in other words ‘Carpe diem’.
Wishing everyone a very Happy and healthy New Year….