Saturday, 23 February 2013

Saturday 23rd. February

University Challenge was on the "box" as three of us had lunch today.....that meant the usual competition to see who can answer the most questions. After 5 minutes it became apparent that the one with 3 degrees from university had a healthy lead.....we suspected foul play. After much laughter it turned out that we were watching a repeat, and (as Thomas told us he had watched it) it was really just a question of seeing how good his memory was!!

The kitchen then took on the usual comedy look, as the fireman went on his laptop to source more ski apparel for his forthcoming holiday.....the comedy came from the fact that he was sat there at the kitchen table with his ski goggles on....bashing away at the keys. night shifts for him again tonight and tomorrow...

The badminton player has taken the family to new lows today. She was at a tournament all annual club match against their Guernsey equivalents. She ended up playing for them.....yes, THEM! words have been said....all her washing has been dyed green, and we are making arrangements for a wholesale delivery of carrots for next week. I'm not sure that we have ever been so embarrassed....she came home not even knowing who won....she might at least have "thrown" her game. Can we ever trust her again?

Other embarrassment today occurred at Church, where "the organist" had been asked to play for a Girl Guides Annual Service up at St. Martin. He turned up early (even going this morning to practice) and everything seemed to be going fine, until the second hymn. No one had told him that the service sheet had one less verse than the music hymn book.....he carried on playing, after everyone had finished singing, oblivious to the fact that everyone had stopped ...."a classic fail", as he was informed by us (in between bouts of uncontrollable laughter) when he got home. 

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