Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Tuesday...the Great Young Farmers Bake Off

Steve here tonight...just returned from the wilds of St. Brelade...to a (fairly) empty house...Jack prostate in front of the TV watching ploughing videos (on his phone) and the dog snoring in her bed. Tom...I have no idea.....Dan? upstairs in the outside shed I think on the computer with one of his friends. Jill watching netball and Bex at the Young Farmers annual cooking competition. Jack has just gone to bed (he's back at work tomorrow) but he messaged Bex to see how she had got on....."Won it like a boss" was the reply, and we assume from the response that she was the winner. We've done well out of this competition.....on each of the last two nights we've had tasting sessions as Bex practiced her Tarte Tartin....and last nights was a real blinder....it's been demolished completely, and as I type, the empty plate is sitting on the worksurface waiting for the washing up (the plate is too big for the dishwasher).

Right down to details of today..... I have to say that I had meetings all morning so, after taking Bex to work, I have no real idea what went on. Jill walked the dog....that much I do know....mainly because, as I left, I instructed her in no uncertain terms that she was to avoid cliff paths and woodland areas....the wind was pretty strong, and I didn't want her either getting blown off a cliff or getting squashed by a falling tree. Strange that, when I went with Jilly for a "quick" dog walk this afternoon, she chose to go to Jardin d'Olivet.....and that means both cliff paths and woodland....but at least the windspeed had decreased a little by then.

Dan spent a lot of time today in the loft at Holmchase....spurred on no doubt by the thought that he might discover something valuable "buried"in some dark corner. As the afternoon progressed we all received numerous photos of the various "finds"on our mobiles....a rather good picture that I personally painted while at school...3 violins....a very old "from the Ark" bible....a harmonica....some pictures of my Great Grandfather (apparently even my Dad wasn't sure who they were)....lots of old Christmas trees..an "average" painting of a boat....some LPs (remember them)...some 1950's diarys..... and finally a selection of tents! I'm sure our reader will get the picture..... a typical selection of the random "stuff" that every family has in it's loft. Did Daniel find enough to do a "Cash in the Attic" programme? ...the fact that he didn't come home with a new car, or new clothes...or a ticket to some exotic destination leads one to suspect otherwise.

Bex popped in to Social Security today to try to find out her "status" now she is officially working....it sounds like I will have to go back in with her tomorrow as it's not clear exactly what her options are....

Jill? ...well, as I have already mentioned, she's managed two dog walks...and a visit to the Merton around lunchtime....but don't ask whether that was for a swim, a keep fit session or something else....either way, exercise was taken....so we're happy on that front.

Bex and Jill have just walked in the door.....congratulations all round here...Bex was indeed victorious....and first out of 10...so not easy. The remainder of her winning dish is off to work tomorrow apparently....lucky them...practice makes perfect, and this latest offering looks very good indeed.

Reading this back to Jill I have been told that I have "covered all the bases" and that this blog is acceptable to post....aren't I the lucky one. Bedtime I think....more tomorrow.

Oh, forgot....Chelsea won 6-0 this evening while I was out. Why do they always play well on TV when I'm not at home? Roll on the Champions League Final next June.


1 comment:

  1. Don't go out when they play Man U - can't cope with 6-0!!! Hope Jack's prostate is not still in front of the TV ? :))


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