Monday, 17 September 2012

Monday 17th September

Monday 17th September

Daughter’s first day at Highlands College today and by all accounts it went very well, which is more than can be said of my blood test!!

Obviously since the transfusion the haemoglobin count has risen to a recommendable 10.1, and because of the weekly injections my white cells are behaving- but, and it’s quite a big but (!) my clotting platelets have dropped to 32. 

I was over an hour at the hospital today having blood taken and waiting for the results. Now, the last correspondence from The Marsden said I should still go ahead with Chemo unless it drops below 30.

However I think there is still some reticence on behalf of Jersey hospital to just fill me full of chemicals if my body may ‘reject’ it all at a later date. So, the plan is to attend Oncology on Wednesday morning, have a blood test and take it from there.

I’m taking it all in my stride (she says glibly!) as I know the platelets can rise and fall dramatically in a very short space of time.


“Never, never, never give up.”


  1. Great quote. Hope your bloods behave. All rather confusing for you. LOL, Jessies' undercarriage looks dirtier and dirtier each time I see you walking along the road....sign of a good walk!xx

  2. Golly, never a dull moment for you re your bloods!!!! Good to here Becky had a good start. Looking forward to catching up this week xxx


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