Saturday, 29 September 2012

Saturday 29th September

Saturday 29th September

The question at the hospital last night was “I expect you’re feeling much better now?”. Truth been known I wasn’t feeling any different! In fact I was so tired that I was in bed and asleep before 9.45pm!

Jessie and I took our usual morning constitutional, and it was lovely down at St Catherine’s at 8am just as the sun was coming through the clouds. I did walk up La Pont without stopping, so I guess the extra blood had helped after all!!.

We did have a bit of an issue with the last unit of blood; the nurse unfortunately pierced the bag whilst trying to set it up, so a make shift ‘plaster’ was applied. In order to narrow the risk of the bag leaking, the machine was set for a speedy transfer. It took about 35 minutes, instead of the usual 2/3 hours, think my arm took a bit of a beating!!! 

During my long day at the hospital I was unaware of the drama unfolding back at home, which in hindsight was just as well but I will recount the story…..

We (my daughter and I) left for college/hospital at 8.15am, I had woken a son up as instructed (I shall not name him in order to spare his embarrassment). Various members of the family recounted the details of what happened next. 

He went into the bathroom to have a shower, a normal event (despite him being a boy). Now I must tell you that we have had trouble with one of the sliding doors in the shower unit- it ‘sticks’ and requires a certain skill to manoeuvre it into place. Son (despite being half asleep managed it admirably). He had his shower, but upon exiting the unit didn’t use two hands to slide the door, he just held the handle and yanked it.

The whole door swung off its runners and crashed onto the base of the unit shattering glass all over the unit and the whole bathroom (made doubly worse as a tiled floor). So picture this…. Son stood in the shower dripping wet and obviously naked surrounded by thousands of broken glass fragments, still holding the shower handle……

He did manage to extricate himself from the bathroom, but suffered minor cuts to his feet, I realise it could have been far, far worse, but actually we all found it highly amusing.(infantile sense of humour) He could have suffered irreparable damage to his nether regions (luckily unscathed)!!

The story continues, the son wisely put a note on the door saying ‘out of order’, (had to leave it and rush off to work!!) and another son ignoring the note stepped into the bathroom with bare feet and ……trod on the broken glass!!!! 

Husband arrived home mid-morning, also missed/ignored the note and trod on the glass…!!! He did however a very good job of clearing up the majority of the mess. 

I came back from my walk this morning and did a thorough hoover/clean wash down of the entire room. It’s amazing how far small pieces of glass can travel!

I played three games of pentanque this afternoon, lost 2-1 but really enjoyed it in the sunshine, and felt more like my old self. Came back with the intention of walking the dog again, but found three sons in the meadow with chain-saw, strimmer, axe, and Jessie!!! (They were clearing a path into the woods!)
 So instead I cleaned the inside of two cars, and then thought the grass needed cutting so did that too!!!


  1. What a palava!! So glad no one seriously hurt. That could have been really nasty. Funnily enough, I was hoovering up a shattered light bulb in the garage yesterday, one of those eco friendly things.....their shattered bits go on and on and on....same in lightless life as lighty life!!xx

  2. Love the new orange wallpaper on screen. Well I wouldn't give it house room now but reminds me of wallpaper I had in my room, fortunately only 1 wall out of 4, others plain orange, when I was a teenager. Lots of David Cassidy and David Essex posters too.


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