Saturday, 7 April 2012

Saturday 7th April

Saturday 7th April
I’ve decided I’m really going to miss out on work next term, I like the summer term, all that hard work you put in at the beginning of the school year starts ‘paying off’, and watching them grow and learn (albeit with the hard work of all the staff) is just brilliant. Never mind there is a rumour that I will be sent plenty of T.A jobs my way, just in case I get bored!
Well, the household has certainly registered the return of son no3, food is disappearing out of the fridge and larder at a rate of knots, and there has been an appearance of the ‘motely gang’ he hangs out with, usually trying to slink in or out at random times of the day or night! Love them all of course!
Just returned from a very pleasant walk up hill and down dale, and just typically I walk in the door as the sun starts to shine for the first time today, never mind, I am off to pack my overnight bag – hubby and I are spending the evening at a well-known Hotel as part of a ‘Quids In’ deal I booked a very long time ok, and had to keep changing the date to fit in with the inconvenience of a minor operation!
The good news of the day is only 3 more injections ………….Yay, I am starting to feel a bit like a pin cushion!


  1. Enjoy your night out - don't do anything I wouldn't do! Xxxx

  2. You are going to be too fit next week. I won't be able to keep up with you - back to usual. At least in hospital I was faster than you - now a distant memory. See you soon! xxx


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