Back to work today (without children), good to see my colleagues again and catch up with what's been happening in the world.
Tried to fit in three racquet sports in today, tennis,racquetball and badminton, they actually compliment each other very well, and as I don't play any particularly well it makes no difference!
Saw some beautiful little bluebells in the woods yesterday, so pretty.....
Bluebell facts...
- Some estimates suggest the UK has up to half of the world's total bluebell population
- Despite their name, bluebells can be white. If you see pink ones they are probably Spanish bluebells
- 71% of native bluebells are found in broadleaved woodland or scrub
- Tennyson speaks of bluebell juice being used to cure snake-bite. The romantic poets of the 19th century, such as Keats and Tennyson, believed that the bluebell symbolised solitude and regret.
Sorry Jill but Sunday's blog beats Monday's hands down. MJ