First for the boring mum bit.
A lot has happened since Dan's 21st birthday last year- I had just had my first round of chemo for starters....
Unlike last year we didn't have lots of people around helping us celebrate- which is just as well as the birthday boy was a 'little worse for wear'. suffice to say he got up briefly, and then promptly went back to bed!!
Hubby and I made the most of the sunshine and took Jessie onto the beach before 9am, it was beautiful, and Steve remarked that there were so few people walking- I did point out that most folks at 8:30am would be in bed asleep!
Jack home from his night shift, kindly pumped up my bicycle tyres so I could dust it off from its winter hibernation and whizz off to aerobics.
Here are some photos that mother decided to add to the post. First one seems to be her holding a baby. Apparently it's the newest addition to a St Ouen family. The mention of St Ouens would usually have me wading into jokes about inbreeding but considering we are talking about a defenceless child I might have to leave those out today.
I might as well mention the name of the child in question: Willow. Willow's older siblings Barley and Joe can be seen looking confused in the photo below. The naming of the last two children seems to be following a pattern in that they are named after crops. Barley being a major cereal and 'coppice' willow being a sustainable biofuel. I can only assume that if there is another 'urchin from the west' it will be called 'Fodder Beet' or if it a somewhat larger baby, 'Broad Bean'.
The last photo seems to be a particularly hungover birthday boy posing behind a cake.
Now for my account of todays events. I have no idea what happened in the morning but nothing interesting ever happens before lunch so you wont have missed anything. When I got up Daniel appeared and he looked like this:
He told me that I wasn't allowed to put this on Facebook so on the blog it goes. Happy birthday.
John-Jack-William and my illustrious self frequented the garden in the afternoon with the sole intention of operating various gardening related machines. Usually in this situation I will attempt to mow increasingly steeper hills until the old man comes outside to inform me about his concern for my welfare citing 'experience' and 'common sense'. He was obviously busy today as no-one appeared to offer advice. Usually on his approach he reminds me of the monster from that early 90s PC game called skifree. I think you will all find the similarities quite amazing.
Once I finished mowing I advised Jack that various hills were 'no problem' for the mini digger that he was operating. Daniel then appeared with the dog. The dog chased bees, and then the shadows of bees for a while before Dan took her inside again. The lawn looked good and Jack was making a mess of the general environment so i left to go watch football.
When i returned there was a lingering smell of curry, although the smell could have been attributed to the dog. Jack had already left for work where he gets paid to sleep. Dan had a friend over, and everyone else was on the couch. Pretty standard Sunday really.
I think I will round this off with a quality joke that we can all enjoy.
"How do you kill a Guernseyman when he's drinking out of a bowl? You hit him on the head with the seat"
Well that did make me laugh tonight ! :0)