Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Wednesday 3rd. April

....we're told that there was a strange moment at home this morning when Ma and Pa realised that 3 out of 4 children were "out at work"....and the forth was still asleep. The Fireman was making the most of his holiday from proper work by thumping posts again in Trinity (he had Jessie with him for the morning)....the Barista was baristering down at The Waterfront and Helpdeskgirl was helpdesking at Rue des Pres. That left the engineer in his room.....and he spent the afternoon writing a new website....he wants us to point out that he does, apparently, work until 5am every morning....but then us "normal" peeps are not up to check that are we?

Pa had a lunchtime meeting, and Ma (after her usual racquetball) went for lunch with Bex...returning to walk the dog and go down the road to meet a friend. Dad had a couple of hours off this afternoon (between meetings) and managed to go out in the green house and sow some carrot seeds. Given that he also tidied up his office, and had a clear out in the workshop, he's had a pretty mixed old day.

This evening Ma and Dan went to play badminton, Bex went to a Young Farmers meeting and Tom was still computering.....Dad came home from another meeting at 8 to find that it was only him, Tom and the dog....Jack was nowhere to be seen.....we still haven't found him.

Discussions this evening have centred on who would want to kill Joss Stone? well.....we have a few boys in our house who wouldn't mind kidnapping her.....but kill? what sort of a wierdo would you have to be......and talking of wierdos.....we note that old whathisface that governs North Korea is still being a silly boy. As Tom quite rightly pointed out, "surely they must realsie that, if they go to war with the Yanks, they'll get wiped?" We certainly hope so.....but really we just wish they'd stop messing about and go back to doing whatever they normally do in North Korea.

Did we mention that yesterday we got the digger going....well, actually going too well, as it won't now switch off (!!)...and we also had the tractor working for the first time in a while....the only problem is that we now have a broken part on the chainsaw. .....we went down in the meadow to try pulling out the gorse....conclusion?.... we need a chainsaw!! When will we find that everything works on the same day?

The forecast is for warmer weather at the week end.....there's a word we haven't heard lately ......WARMER....

Did you know that 27% of the universe is made up of dark matter? As we were do they know how much there is if you can't see it or measure it.....or (to quote Tom) you don't really know that it's even there??? Maybe by tomorrow we'll have worked it out!

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