Monday, 16 July 2012

Monday 16th July

Monday 16th July
So once again I breeze into Oncology expecting to find that all my bloods have picked up nicely, especially as I feel SO good, let’s just blow that myth out of the water shall we?

Not only have my ‘clotting’ platelets not improved they have now dropped to 39 (from 61) they need to be over 100. My white cells have also taken a nose dive and when I dared to enquire about my red cells they are still down at 8.3… How is this possible, particularly as I feel ok?

An hour later and we are all trying to work out the best possible course of action; I am now due a blood test on Wednesday, with possible chemo on Thursday, and probable blood transfusion on Friday. I sound like something from ‘In the pursuit of happyness with Will Smith (yes, spelt that way, you have to watch the film to understand)!!

Christopher Gardner: Probably means there's a good chance. Possibly means we might or we might not.
Christopher: Okay.
Christopher Gardner: So, what does probably mean?
Christopher: It means we have a good chance.
Christopher Gardner: And what does possibly mean?
Christopher: I know what it means! It means we're not going to the game.

Took son no 3 and adopted son TN to ‘afternoon tea’ at Ousaine, very blowy but bracing, and they enjoyed the sandwiches and scones! Also squeezed in a brief coffee with SW (well she does live out west and so perfect opportunity!

 "The wife said she'd like to eat out for a change, so I moved the dining room table into the garden"
                                     Les Dawson


  1. Great to see you. Look forward to seeing you again soon. Thanks for the coffee! xx

  2. Hey Jilly, great to see you this afty. You've lost a bit of weight, get some spuds down you. Looked at (sorry, can't help but think of that film where the bloke talks about his MOJO, and damn, can't remember the name of it)Anyhoooo, the pic of you on that site is SO GORGEOUS, just SO lovely, you look beautiful, as always. I know you worry about eyebrows and eyelashes, but you always look beautiful and so colour coordinated....something I have never been!! Good luck with the bloody bloods, hope to your liking, if not, accept the Tigger Juice and stand the test of time it takes to get it. Love and a big squidjy hug.xxxxxxx


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