Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Tuesday 8th January

Tuesday 8th January

First ‘proper’ afternoon at work since last March, and I ‘loved’ it!! I had at least three children come up to me and say “Your hair has grown again!”  Lots of little smiling faces (well, some of them smiling!) and a general feeling of being welcomed back by the staff; Of course I am sure this will all change by this time next week, when they have all had enough of me!

I did my hour cliff path dog walk this morning, keeping a sharp look out for wayward male dogs, luckily we only encountered one large ‘lady’ Labrador.

As I am still ‘taking it easy’ and of course I ALWAYS follow doctors’ advice I decided not to go to Tennis tonight, although, as it was a dry evening it was very tempting. Instead I went and pulled leeks and picked sprouts from the garden, before making the family supper- neither of the vegetables would win a prize in a competition- hubby and I need to ‘clean up our act’ in that department. 

This time next week I will have done my first Zumba class since before Christmas, looking forward to that and catching up with the 'ladies'..... not looking forward to the CT scan after, although the scan itself is ok, it's getting the results on Thursday that bother me!

 “The whole purpose of education is to turn mirrors into windows.”
 Sydney J. Harris

My daughter has added to the select profile drop down box in the comments sections, "anonymous" profile. This may make it easier for people to write a comment should they wish, anonymous or otherwise!! If you would like to leave your name, then make sure you have written it in the comment itself!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. this is your hard working hubby using this new comment facility to say "PUT THE KETTLE ON"......my office is cold and I need caffine!

  3. If the removed anonymous comment had been posted AFTER hubby's I would be tempted to guess it was posted by wifey in response to him!

  4. Like the paws background? SCR

  5. Just as I get my head round adding a comment, your daughter makes it easier! Well at least I learnt a new skill (eventually!) and hopefully you will get lots more responses to your daily blog. Glad to hear you are sort of listening to Dr's orders and 'resting', even if it is your take on 'resting'!

    Helier was away Monday night for work during which I was woken by both children. Last night when I had told him he was on duty, they both slept through. I love the fact they slept, but they must learn to pick the right night!

    I'm going to give the anonymous thing a go, if it works for me then everyone should be able to get it to work! Looking forward to all the comments you are hopefully going to get now. - More for me to read during my middle of the night feeds!

    Emma 'in St Ouen' x

  6. Well done Bex! Bit foggy in St. Ouen , may I suggest husband purchases his own kettle for the office! Sue x

  7. Just saying Hello . Love Jan xxxxx

  8. Looking forward to playing with you and the As on Thursday xxxxx

  9. I'll try again to send a comment by gmail as I can't see yesterday's anywhere (it was only to ask if a zumba class is taking it easy - not for me it wouldn't be!)


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